Matthew and I were talking in the car about my aching heart
and waiting to be matched in our adoption, and I said, “I don’t know if I
should just mentally prepare that it will be another year, or keep hoping. Hoping is painful.”
Since that little conversation I have felt God showing me
hope in the scriptures. So I decided to
dig deeper. I did a study on the word
hope, and I focused on the Old Testament.
I am addicted to this word and the meanings of it. For all it represents and for how I am hoping
onto hope—how I am bearing hope.
Here is what I found.
Hope is mainly translated in these ways in the Old Testament:
- · Expectation
- · Refuge
- · Trust
- · Wait
- · Be patient
- · Something waited for
- · To writhe in pain or fear
That last one especially made my eyes grow big in
wonder. God knows.
Hope is complicated.
It is full of expectation. The kind that feels like sparkling water
inside my chest. Hope is a refuge when I can’t figure things
out. I hide in the refuge of hope because it cradles my heart’s dreams.
Hope is trust. Trust
in a God I cannot see and the promises I cannot see fulfilled. Hope is to wait. Oh, the agony of this wait.
Yet, if there were no wait, there
would be no reason to hope because it would be already here. So hope is truly something waited for.
But hope is not without pain
or fear. Indeed, hope is to writhe in pain or
fear. It is to tremble and travail. This wait leaves us wounded and grieved. Shaken.
Yet in the same painful hope we tarry, stay, waiting, trusting. Because hope is all these things. In this pain and fear we learn patience—which comes from this experience
we are in—which leads back to hope.
And despite it all, hope does NOT disappoint us because God
has pour out His love in our hearts by the Holy Spirit Whom He has given us
(Romans 5:1-5).
And one day, this hope of writing pain and fear will be hope
that dances.
The depth of the word HOPE is assuring. All these feelings I feel with hope are real
and validated here. Hope is
complicated. And hope does hurt
But I hold on.
May you too, hold on to hope even though there is pain in
this waiting and expectation. Do not
give up. Trust and wait in the refuge of
God and know that your patience is not in vain.
God is pouring His love into your heart through the Holy Spirit during
waiting and hoping…and remember God has said that hope does not
disappoint. Hold on to hope. Hold on to God.